Coin of the month September 2013

A Mithqal from Rabāṭ al-Fatḥ of the year 1191 AH

Bild 1: Mithqal, Rabat al-Fath, 1191 AH
Bild 1: Mithqal, Rabat al-Fath, 1191 AH

Some technical details:

Year: 1191h, 10. February 1777d.

Weight: 28,03 g

Diameter: about 30,5 mm

Angle: 180 degrees

References: Eustache#211A, KrauseMischler#43, Album#591

Material: RFA* surface measuring: Ag-95,0%; Cu-4,2%; Pb-0,8%

Inscription obvers: احَدً | احَدْ | 1191

Inscription reverse: صرب | برباط | الفتح - minted in Rabāṭ al-Fatḥ


These Mithqals have been minted in the years 1188h, 1189h and 1191h in Rabat al-Fath and only for the one year 1190h in Marrakesh. A lot of contemporary and modern forgeries exist. For the discussed coin only 2 variants and 1 forgery is know to me. If you have images from these coins I would be happy if you could send them to me, in order to find more variants and forgeries.


* measured with a RFA-Handspektrometer:
Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (RFA, english XRF for X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis)